Arkansas is at the forefront of a national experiment to see whether requiring work for health care coverage helps lift people out of poverty. Starting…
State Sen. Alan Clark (R-Lonsdale) cast the decisive 27th vote in favor of granting Gov. Asa Hutchinson's appropriation to the Department of Human…
Arkansas lawmakers have a couple more weeks in this year’s budgeting session to re-approve funding for Arkansas Works, the state’s healthcare program for…
Virginia Duck is the mother of Sequoia and Cheyenne, two young girls with growing feet. She and her daughters wait in line with nearly 60 other people who…
Thirty cents of every health care dollar is wasted, according to speakers at a recent “Cost of Health Care in Arkansas” symposium at the UA Little Rock…
A poll released by the American Medical Association this week finds that both the Obama-era Affordable Care Act, in place since 2014, and the Republican…
The 3rd Annual Tracking Report from the Arkansas Center for Health Improvement finds that the state is having success with a new health care business…
Physician assistants don’t have the same level of education as a doctor but do many of the same things, but they're being credited with helping to fill…