Monday is the last day of early voting and the number of Arkansans that have already cast their ballots has surpassed 2012 levels but over 100,000. More than 452,000 Arkansans early voted in the 2012 presidential election, that number has already exceeded 565,000 this year according the Secretary of State’s office.
#ARVote Update as of 9 AM: 565,468 Early Votes have been reported and 25,199 Absentee Votes have been reported.— Mark Martin (@ARSecofState) November 7, 2016
Voters waited for up to an hour at times this afternoon, standing in one of two lines at the Pulaski County Regional Building. Including 22 year old Christopher Kelly…
“I’m going to be voting Democrat so I wasn’t sure if I should even come since we’re in Arkansas, a red state. But I got yelled at by multiple people to go vote so here I am,” said Kelly.
38 year old Anastasia Combs…
“I’ve always been a huge fan of the Trump family so I’m excited to put my vote in for them. I’m only voting for presidency and am super excited to see the outcome,” said Combs. “I feel there’s a lot he can do for our country.”
29 year old Dominique Thomas…
“It’s not really a long wait to me, it’s durable. But it was that important, and historical with the first woman that could be president, so I came out with my two children,” said 29 year old Dominique Thomas. “I’m going for someone who has stability and the country in their best interest. Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have a plan so I don’t want to put my life in someone’s hand who doesn’t have a strategy. I’m going with someone who has the walk and the talk and can back it all up.”
And 52 year old Jonathan Funk…
“I just found out I’m out of town tomorrow so that’s why I’m early voting,” Funk said. “It’s kind of a drag actually. I came from west Little Rock and was hoping to vote out there.”
Early voting began October 24 and had 9 polling sites open. That number was reduced to one, the Pulaski County Regional Building, on the last day of early voting. Early vote totals will be updated by the Secretary of State at 4 p.m. Voters can find polling places here.
Polls are open Election Day, Tuesday, from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Copyright 2016 KUAR